Our story

We are a group of like-minded consultants with a passion for well-crafted software and excellent user experience. Having met and worked together to deliver UK Government projects, we formed Creatify to hone our craft and create valuable pieces of work for the public and private sectors

The team

Joseph Chapman
Founder and Lead technical consultant

Joseph brings over 15 years of experience in technical leadership to Creatify. Having worked for Tesco, Credit Suisse, British Gas, the Home Office and HMPO, and consultancies such as as Equal Experts and ScrumConnect. Joseph brings a unique and diverse set of experiences from working within central government, enterprise organisations and the consultancy industry.

Andrew Charnley
Lead technical consultant

Andrew has 15 years in tech and is a highly proficient full-stack web developer. Andrew has architected, lead and worked on demanding government projects from the Cabinet Office to the DWP. Andrew owe's his vast expertise to his background as an electronics engineer, and his experience as a secondary IT teacher.

Chris O'Leary
Lead design consultant

Chris has 21 years of online experience in the public and private sectors and is highly skilled in digital transformation, user experience design and improvement, content creation and assessibility.